Saturday, January 12, 2013

Salvador Dali perfume

I've seen Dali's range of perfumes around before but I've never got to try them out. Since my favourite 'Stella' has phased out, I'd need to get another unique scent. What could be more unique that Dali's quirky bottles and scent?

This entry is purely for my vanity.


Note: I do not own any of the images on this entry, if you'd like me to remove it, kindly email me.

Noina Art Studio @ Chiang Mai, Thailand

A month long break was quite a good idea and though Chiang Mai's weather was being a bitch, I was having lots of fun at Noina's. I've gone through an intensive 2 hour refresher course on watercolour techniques. Noina was absolutely brilliant. She is funny and has two adorable cats. Wish I could take up more lessons but we had to leave.

Apparently she could tell from our accents that we are Singaporeans, she has sharp ears, given that she had only 7 students before me.

I haven't touched watercolour for almost 20 years and Noina brought my spark back. I think I did pretty well (LOL).

Noina's Studio
One of her lovely cats
My own cat // my watercolour work


It's a new year with new everything. Been so busy and it is almost impossible to blog on my iPad (I almost do not use the Macbook anymore). The photos don't seem to load up properly.

Haven't quite have the time to go around either, with the new job, I get exhausted on weekdays and sleep is on my priority list on weekends. So I guess the last exhibition I've been to was DiverseCity at 8Q last year. Apart from the free food and drinks at the opening, the exhibition was delicious, lots of works by Southeast Asian artists.

It was a little rushed as we were there late but I guess the whole exhibition was covered.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Then X Ten The Power of the Poster

Nearly missed this out. I've always liked the quietness of Park Mall and the mall brings back some childhood memories during my ballet days at Fort Canning and one of my best times when I was working in the bank opposite.

I was on my way to SAM from Fort Canning for the Panorama exhibition and the shortcut to Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station is through Park Mall. To my surprise there was a mini design exhibition showcasing works of participants of a competition organised by Herman Miller.

Design Competition Winner

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sudden Film Buff: Un Chien Andalou

Nope, I am no film buff or critic. In fact, I am highly selective of movies I watch (I LOVE THE AVENGERS HUR HUR HUR). Anyway, this short film is definitely a must for all arty farty film buffs who are into European or art house films. I personally am not a huge fan of art house films, they are just too slow for my liking.

However, this particular old film was made by Spanish filmmaker, Luis Buñuel and my hero, Salvador Dali. Of course, to me the main idea was to look at Dali's art work in the film.

Movie Poster from Wikipedia

So, I went on Youtube and searched for this crazy surrealist film and VOILA!

Enjoy this, you film people.

Part 1

Part 2

P/S: Not quite for the faint hearted, there are scenes that could wring your intestines out.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Something Style

And since "Gangnam style" has taken over the world by storm, here's 老爱 (Ai Wei Wei) doing the Grass-Mud Horse style. Too hilarious to not share.

Ai Wei Wei's probably one of the world's most powerful artists of this century and he definitely does not lack in sarcasm.

Enjoy! LOL!

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